Crypto Currencies Webinar.
" Future Money is Crypto Currencies "
____________________CRYPTO-CURRENCY: CURRICULUMSimplify Simplify & Simplify.The whole of this Presentation will be First-hand knowledgewith real charts and figures taken from: Mark-kishon: Christopher, who is the Co-host.Federal-Postal-Court-Judge: Hieu's Presentation:
1. Understanding Cryptocurrency.
2. Understanding Blockchain Technologies.
3. Automation & Ledgers.
4. Benefits of Digital Currency.
5. How to Stay Safe When Transacting with Crypto-currencies.
6. Privacy & Security Settings for Various Operating Platforms (iOS & Windows)Federal-Postal-Court-Judge: Lance's Discussion:
1. How to Setup Digital Wallet
2. How to Buy BTC & Alt Coins
3. How to Transfer/withdraw between Wallets.
4. Pro and Con of Popular Exchanges.
5. Safe Storage Options.Your educational fee for this Webinar is 120 GBP____________________Why Crypto Currency & not Fiat Money?AS
You are not the Legal Owner of your Own Bank Account.
____________________I released the Gold Webinar in March 2020 and you all know what happed with Gold since then.So I want you to Grab another Golden Opportunity with this Crypto Webinar.The Decision to change your Life is always in your own Hands.Use it wisely.See you at the Webinar.